(Game) Observing and breeding

(Game) Observing and breeding

Get every woman in town pregnant!
Pregnancy observation game that spans generations

A man comes to a town.
You want to get all the women in the town pregnant yourself!
And observe the pregnancies of the girls he makes pregnant!
From young girls, to his own daughters, to his own daughters, to his own granddaughters, to his own daughters, to his own daughters, to his own granddaughters…
Pregnancy observation game that spans generations

Release: Jun/23/2022
Company/Circle: Thousand Year Village
Language: Japanese
Size: 375,0MB


(Game) What I did with my girlfriend until I started sleeping with a married woman v1.01

(Game) What I did with my girlfriend until I started sleeping with a married woman v1.01

The main character, who was living a lovey-dovey life with his girlfriend, starts sleeping with married women in search of stimulation….
The problems and troubles that married women face… just a little bit of magic…
The life of a fucked-up man begins in a residential area where various environments abound…?
6 characters to play! The main character’s name can be changed!
If you pick up the bromide that falls in the town during the event… cosplay sex will be unlocked!

Release: Jun/16/2022
Company/Circle: milkseki
Language: Japanese
Size: 691,6MB


(Game) NTR drawing sex! Female assistant at your service for money…! (English)

(Game) NTR drawing sex! Female assistant at your service for money…! (English)

Simulation game of being obeyed!
The rules are simple.
During the time limit of 120 minutes in the workroom
You can negotiate with the female assistants for money and perform the act with them.

If you succeed in the negotiation, you will have sex with the female assistant, and if you fail
If you fail, you lose only money.
The game ends when the remaining money becomes zero or the time limit is exceeded.

Where to focus on?
How much money will you pay?
And whether or not you cross the line. ……

It all depends on your mood and money.
Go as far as your desire and money will take you, and dominate the female assistants!

Release: Jun/17/2022
Company/Circle: HalftoneDot
Language: English (MTL)
Size: 499,0MB


(Game) Feminization NTR – Netori Netorare Yarimakuri

(Game) Feminization NTR – Netori Netorare Yarimakuri

The main character, who has been married for three years, has a secret that he keeps from his wife….
It is… a desire to become a woman!
He has been worried about it for 3 years because he can’t tell his wife…
When he boldly discusses his desire to become a woman with his best friend… she agrees to help him become a woman.
But then, his wife is suspected of infidelity…?
He and his best friend cooperate to investigate the affair, but the protagonist’s choice leads to an unexpected turn of events…!

Root’s relationship with his best friend grows closer as he investigates the affair between his best friend and his wife
The route where he questions his wife about her affair and is taught the joys of being a woman by the man between them

Which one are you?

Release: Apr/28/2022
Company/Circle: milkseki
Language: Japanese
Size: 435,2MB


(Game) When New Wife Megu Falls v1.04

(Game) When New Wife Megu Falls v1.04

The protagonist’s childhood friend and new wife, 24 years old.
She is serious and quiet, and her hobby is taking care of her cat.
She has never been held by a man other than her husband.
Recently, her husband has been busy with his work, and she is feeling frustrated.

Release: Apr/30/2022
Company/Circle: Wolf holiday
Language: Japanese
Size: 1,25GB


(Game) All you can fuck with the power of Akuma-chan!

(Game) All you can fuck with the power of Akuma-chan!

A 42-year-old virgin uncle summons the demon “Akuma-chan” through a mysterious ritual.
He has the power to control other people’s minds through a contract with Akuma-chan.
He hypnotizes the girls in his neighborhood one after another, and they all fall in love with him.
She loses her virginity and first kiss in front of her boyfriend. Mother-daughter sex in front of her husband…
The uncle also has his way with the girls in various other situations!

Release: May/21/2022
Company/Circle: 530
Language: Japanese
Size: 422,0MB


(Game) NTR Dojo – I became the delinquents’ toilet

(Game) NTR Dojo – I became the delinquents’ toilet

Sora Fukazawa is an energetic martial arts girl who has enrolled in a school attended by her older childhood friend.
Sora dreams of a rosy school life, but by chance, she is assigned as an instructor for a rehabilitation program for delinquents (rehabilitation club).
With her brightness and sense of mission, she struggles to lead a group of delinquents on the right path.
However, the place is nothing but a whorehouse of raging sexual desires, and Sora’s body is cruelly defiled.
Sora’s love is drowned in semen and cut to pieces in an endless series of climaxes in the dojo, which has become a prison of debauchery.
Can Sora protect Koishin from this humiliation?

Release: May/26/2022
Company/Circle: neocut ball
Language: Japanese
Size: 1,36GB


(Game) DIRTYING – Sleeping and defiling because of love

(Game) DIRTYING – Sleeping and defiling because of love

Aoyagi Isshin is a college student who is bored even though it is his last summer vacation as a teenager.
He is spending his free and lazy days in his room at his apartment.
There is only one thing that bothers him.

The only person who has taken care of Isshin like a little brother since he was a child is a neighbor of his parents’ house and a childhood friend.
Momoka Sakishima, a neighbor, childhood friend, sister, and first love.
Isshin has been dragged down by the fact that he could not tell his feelings to his girlfriend, to whom he got engaged a few years ago.
Isshin has been holding on to his feelings for Momoka and regrets that she only sees him as her “little brother.

Release: Apr/29/2022
Company/Circle: karaage-tomato
Language: Japanese
Size: 237,7MB


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