(Game) The yakyuken is traditional Japanese culture (English)

(Game) The yakyuken is traditional Japanese culture (English)

It’s Japanese traditional party game.
you have to make 3 fist styles (goo,choki,par.), by the end of its song.
The looser must take off his cloth one by one, that’s the rule.​

Release: 201-01-21
Company/Circle: SHITARO TRACE
Language: English
Size: 58,5MB


(Game) Mine Dungeon X ~Rurumu’s trip~ (English)

(Game) Mine Dungeon X ~Rurumu’s trip~ (English)

The robot Rurumu finds herself in quite a predicament as her way home is strewn with landmines!
With only her wits to rely on, she must navigate through the minefield with her mine-detection skill
and embark on an adventure—minesweeper style!​

Release: 2021-01-16
Company/Circle: Serurebu
Language: English
Size: 149,3MB


(Game) Wandering city (English)

(Game) Wandering city (English)

The world is covered by the “Garbage Sea.” Within that sea floats a wandering island of steel… That island is known as “Rivet City.”
The inhabitants of Rivet City gather parts from the sea as they endlessly maintain their wandering island.
Showers, toilets, food, and beds; All of these make the island a comfortable place to live.
Enjoy the last hurrah at the end of the world!​

Release: 2016-12-21
Company/Circle: Acid
Language: English
Translator: Maidenmasher
Size: 21,4MB


(Game) Lorena and the Land of Ruins v1.01

(Game) Lorena and the Land of Ruins ver.1.01

Release: 2020/12/18
Company/Circle: Shimenawan
Language: Japanese (English UI)
Size: 1,4GB


(Game) Yakyuuken -Rina- (English)

(Game) Yakyuuken -Rina- (English)

You’re Rina’s uncle, and the two of you are going to play rock-paper-strippers.
If you win three times, you get a sexy prize!

Maybe you can even be her first…

Alternativ title: Take off your baseball fist -Niece Norina-chan-
Release: Nov/06/2020
Company/Circle: ChoiR
Language: English (MTL)
Size: 55,0MB


(Game) Punishment! Touching! Little Sis-chan (English)

(Game) Punishment! Touching! Little Sis-chan (English)

Release: Sep/25/2020
Company/Circle: hopuhopu team
Language: English (MTL)
Size: 285,0MB

Thanks to Evil Souls for sharing


(Game) Fuck or Fight ~Girls Arena~ (English)

(Game) Fuck or Fight ~Girls Arena~ (English)


At a mysterious underground arena, fighters battle it out for big prize money,
with the losers becoming sex toys for the spectators to enjoy.

Release: Oct/16/2020
Company/Circle: JIJI*ININ
Language: English (MTL)
Size: 349MB


(Game) Papato (English)

(Game) Papato (English)

Release: 2008/09/05
Company/Circle: IMAGECORE
Language: English
Size: 78,0MB


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