[Carn] Otomedori (English)

[Carn] Otomedori (English)

Author/Circle: magono-tei (carn)
Language: English
Format: JPG
Size: 143,0MB


(Game) The Dojo Breaker

The Dojo Breaker
Artist/Circle: SFEMY KATS
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 165MB

(Game) Refrain of paradise walk

Refrain of paradise walk
Artist/Circle: ゆめなまこん
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 619MB

(Game) Princesses Never Lose v1.03 (English)

(Game) Princesses Never Lose v1.03 (English)

On the western part of the Stivale Peninsula lies the small kingdom of Tolinia. Their princess, Erica, senses the danger to her kingdom, as the peninsula’s city-states fall under the influence of a powerful, modernized country.

Seeing this as the potential end of the peninsula’s independence, Erica decides to fight for Stivale’s dignity.

Her battle to unify the Stivale Peninsula begins!​

Release: 2020-03-20
Company/Circle: AVANTGARDE/Kagura Games
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Size: 1,75GB


(Game) Isolated Witches – Femboy is Defeated With Status Effects and Raped

Isolated Witches – Femboy is Defeated With Status Effects and Raped
Artist/Circle: RR Research Society
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 2.5GB

(VN) Deviant Dungeon (English)

(VN) Deviant Dungeon (English)

Original Title: 異世界ハーレムダンジョンマスター ~エロトラップで姫騎士パーティー&魔王をヤリまくり!孕ませ地下帝国建設♪~
Romaji Title: Isekai Harem Dungeon Master ~Ero Trap de Himekishi Party & Maou o Yarimakuri! Haramase Chika Teikoku Kensetsu♪~

The protagonist was summoned into a world where only women exist by a Demon Queen and made a Dungeon Master, tasked with assaulting a party formed by the world’s strongest heroines.

Thrilled to learn his adversaries are gorgeous women, he sets out to use perverted traps and his huge cock to capture the heroines one by one and make them yeld.

And on top of taking this world’s most beautiful and powerful women, he also plans on bringing the Demon Queen herself down to her knees…

Release: 2019-01-30
Company/Circle: Cherry Kiss Games/Norn/Mie
Language: Japanese, English
Voice: Japanese
Size: 651,0MB


(Game) The Dangerous Road Home at Night v2.0 (English)

(Game) The Dangerous Road Home at Night v2.0 – Raw Rape, Abduction and Confinement (English)

Play as 3 heroines, and find out the mystery of the disappearing schoolgirls.
What lies ahead: the truth behind the incidents, or a tragic lust-filled end?

The game plot is three girls must uncover a secret conspiracy, revolving around the disappearance of young girls in their small city, using skills gained from their respective professions. You will play as each one in episodic chapters, seeing the story from each of their perspectives. There is no combat in this game.
However, each character’s choices and decisions will affect those of the other characters as you play more of the game. Because the game has multiple endings, multiple playthroughs are required to unlock all of them.

Release: 2020-03-19
Company/Circle: Retro lab
Translator: Emerald_Gladiator
Language: English
Size: 220,3MB

No Reuploads For Zippy/Mirror

(Game) The Princess of Succubus (English)

(Game) The Princess of Succubus (English)

Succubus have been catching men of human kinds to suck their semen.
Human kinds bring tentacle monster that can fight against succubus with them andattack the village of succubus.
Succubus became feeds of tentacle monster, and then became sexual slaveries.
Succubus’ village fell.

the princess succubus was the only one who can escape from the village.
In order to help succubus who become the sexual slaveries,
the princess succubus begins the erotic journey.

Release: 2020-03-19
Company/Circle: Tistrya
Language: English
Size: 244,3MB


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