(Flash) Dame! Zettai! 2 (REUPLOAD)

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Artist/Circle: kate_sai
Language: Japanese
Format: html
Size: 482MB


(Game) Heppoko Onnashi no Jun

Heppoko Onnashi no Jun
Artist/Circle: ああ人生崖っぷち
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 230MB

(Game) Ideology in Friction (English)

(Game) Ideology in Friction (English)

It was said that the natural enemy of all living things would be destroyed by the emissaries of night, the dark elves.
“You finally found your way here, huh?”mutters the blue-haired elf.

“I said that I’d bring you back, didn’t I?” replies the elf with golden hair, but as she does, the woman silently shakes her head.
“I’m glad that I got to see you one last time.” she speaks softly with a smile on her face while stroking the golden hair of the other elf.

The two elven knights have lived through harsh times. They were separated and reunited on multiple occasions, but have at last made their way here.
In this nameless church where no one has been, what are they thinking? What have they left behind?
“This was my only choice…” said Clacier, who became a knight to live.
“I have something that I need to accomplish no matter what. I’m here because it’s necessary to reach that goal.” said Annette, who also became a knight for a very important goal.
The story begins several years prior, before the two had yet become knights.
Release: 13 Jun, 2019
Company/Circle: ONEONE1
Language: English
Size: 2,55GB

(Game) Bulma Adventure 3 (ENGLISH)

Bulma Adventure 3
Artist/Circle: YamamotoDoujinsh
Language:  ENGLISH
Format: EXE
Size: 245MB

(Game) A Record of Delia’s War (English)

A Record of Delia’s War
Artist/Circle: shoku
Language: English
Format: EXE
Size: 370MB

(Game) pink Parka Pleasure

pink Parka Pleasure
Artist/Circle: アンコクマリモカン
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 125MB

(Flash) Loves Right (REUP)

Loves Right Loves Right
Loves Right
Artist/Circle: 私立さくらんぼ小学校
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 1.99GB


(Game) Legend of Ogre Buster (ENGLISH)

Legend of Ogre Buster
Artist/Circle: Elithheart
Language: Japanese
Format: EXE
Size: 410MB

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