(Game) My Sister Became a Maid

(Game) My Sister Became a Maid

Be pushed around by a selfish big sister, or be “served” by a maid big sister. ……
Enjoy your life with your sister!


Younger brother (Yuta)
Unlike his sister, Yuta’s younger brother can’t do much.
He has experienced four heartbreaks in his life.
He doesn’t dislike his sister, but he also finds her troublesome and difficult to deal with.

Older sister (Mari Yoh)
Unlike her brother, she can do better than others in studies, sports, and lessons.
She is so cute that you could call her a “beautiful girl.
She is a bit of a spoiled brat and a selfish older sister who uses her younger brother as her errand boy.

Release: Jul/30/2022
Company/Circle: Studio Neko Kick
Language: Japanese
Size: 1,01GB

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