(Game) Mind Luda v1.37

(Game) Mind Luda v1.37

It was a competition held by Luda, a scripture society, to select and promote strong men.

In order to save her husband Uia, who was captured by Luda for a crime she did not commit, Segi, despite being a woman, dons black robes for battle,
She decides to participate in the military drill competition as the “Black Lady” to deceive the eyes of the people around her.

To be named as a warrior in this military drill society, a condition was imposed on her.
She had to take a secret medicine from Luda to strengthen herself and then participate in the competition.

However, the secret medicine called “Mind Luda,” which bears the name of the scripture association Luda, is a rare drug,
In addition to promoting the strengthening of the body, it also had another characteristic.

It has an intense aphrodisiac effect that scorches and corrodes the body day after day, night after night.

Release: Apr/29/2024
Company/Circle: Cli Pick
Language: Japanese
Size: 1,23GB

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