(Game) Mamono Girls and the Apartment of Goddess

(Game) Mamono Girls and the Apartment of Goddess

“Please be the caretaker of the apartment: ……!”

Suddenly, the protagonist was enveloped in a strange light.
He was standing in front of a strange apartment building.

With the help of Lina, the dragon’s mamono girl
The main character performs his job as a caretaker of the mansion.

However, some levels of the mansion have been turned into dungeons, and there is a mysterious girl who wants to take control of the mansion.
He is also attacked by a mysterious girl who is after the caretaker’s authority. ……

And the caretaker gets caught up in the conspiracy swirling inside the mansion.

Release: Jul/07/2022
Company/Circle: NekoSlumber
Language: Japanese
Size: 403,9MB

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